Results for 'Nanda Kishore Sreenivas'

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  1.  72
    Indigenous and Local Knowledge and Aesthetics: Towards an Intergenerational Aesthetics of Nature.Nanda Jarosz - 2023 - Environmental Values 32 (2):151-168.
    In a recent paper, Allen Carlson moves away from a purely scientific–cognitive framework for environmental aesthetics towards a ‘combination position’ based on the ecoaesthetics theorised by Xiangzhan Cheng. Carlson argues that only an aesthetics informed by ecological knowledge can offer the correct foundations for the continued relevance of environmental aesthetics to environmental ethics. However, closer analysis of Cheng's theory of ecoaesthetics reveals a number of problems related to questions of anthropocentrism and in particular, the issue of an ethic based on (...)
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  2. Vedânta philosophy; lecture by Swâmi Abhedânanda. Abhedānanda - 1899 - New York,: Vedânta society.
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  3. Human organs, scarcities, and sale: morality revisited.R. R. Kishore - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (6):362-365.
    Despite stringent and fine tuned laws most jurisdictions are not able to curb organ trafficking. Nor are they able to provide organs to the needy. There are reports of the kidnapping and murder of children and adults to “harvest” their organs. Millions of people are suffering, not because the organs are not available but because “morality” does not allow them to have access to the organs. Arguments against organ sale are grounded in two broad considerations: sale is contrary to human (...)
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    Swāmī Hariharānanda Āraṇya's Yoga kārikā: with Yoga sūtras, transliteration, English translation & special notes.Hariharānanda Āraṇya - 2008 - Lonavala, Pune: Kaivalyadhama. Edited by Maheshananda, Patañjali & Hariharānanda Āraṇya.
    Classical commentary on Yogasūtra of Patañjali, work on Yoga philosophy; includes complete text of Yogasūtra.
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  5. Santhakabi Acyutānanda Dāsa o Sunya saṃhitā.Acyutānanda Dāsa - 1992 - Kaṭaka: Phreṇḍs Pabliśarsa. Edited by Mr̥tyuñjaẏa Nāẏaka.
    Vaishnava philosophical work, in verse; critically edited.
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    Sahajānanda Varṇī aura unakī Saṃskr̥ta racanāem̐.Sahajānanda Varṇī - 2000 - Dillī: Sahajānanda Phāuṇḍeśana. Edited by Kusuma Jaina.
    Selected Sanskrit works with Hindi interpretation on Jaina philosophy and doctrines.
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    Farmers' willingness to pay for community integrated pest management training in Nepal.Kishor Atreya - 2007 - Agriculture and Human Values 24 (3):399-409.
    The concept of community integrated pest management (IPM), which is well developed in Indonesia and Vietnam, was recently introduced in Nepal. However, it has not been widely practiced, due mainly to lack of financial and technical support. This study determined an individual’s willingness to pay (WTP) for community IPM training. Determinants of WTP were identified; and sample average estimates, opportunity costs of training, and probability values were used to estimate WTP for a group of households. Estimated WTP revealed that individuals (...)
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    Nyāyaratnadīpāvali of Ānandānubhava. Ānandānubhava - 2015 - New Delhi: Indian Council of Philosophical Research and Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited, Delhi. Edited by Kanshi Ram & Ānandānubhava.
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  9. 2.8. Advancing Biotechnology and the Crisis of Purpose.R. R. Kishore - forthcoming - Bioethics in Asia: The Proceedings of the Unesco Asian Bioethics Conference (Abc'97) and the Who-Assisted Satellite Symposium on Medical Genetics Services, 3-8 Nov, 1997 in Kobe/Fukui, Japan, 3rd Murs Japan International Symposium, 2nd Congress of the Asi.
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    Temporal Binding in Multisensory and Motor-Sensory Contexts: Toward a Unified Model.Kishore Kumar Jagini - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:629437.
    Our senses receive a manifold of sensory signals at any given moment in our daily lives. For a coherent and unified representation of information and precise motor control, our brain needs to temporally bind the signals emanating from a common causal event and segregate others. Traditionally, different mechanisms were proposed for the temporal binding phenomenon in multisensory and motor-sensory contexts. This paper reviews the literature on the temporal binding phenomenon in both multisensory and motor-sensory contexts and suggests future research directions (...)
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    Evolution of eukaryotic genome architecture: Insights from the study of a rapidly evolving metazoan, Oikopleura dioica.Sreenivas Chavali, David A. De Lima Morais, Julian Gough & M. Madan Babu - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (8):592-601.
    Recent sequencing of the metazoan Oikopleura dioica genome has provided important insights, which challenges the current understanding of eukaryotic genome evolution. Many genomic features of O. dioica show deviation from the commonly observed trends in other eukaryotic genomes. For instance, O. dioica has a rapidly evolving, highly compact genome with a divergent intron‐exon organization. Additionally, O. dioica lacks the minor spliceosome and key DNA repair pathway genes. Even with a compact genome, O. dioica contains tandem repeats, comparable to other eukaryotes, (...)
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  12. The Evolution of consciousness.Kishor Gandhi (ed.) - 1983 - New York, N.Y.: Paragon House.
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  13.  18
    The Odyssey of science, culture, and consciousness.Kishor Gandhi (ed.) - 1990 - New Delhi: Abhinav Publications.
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    The Synchronization of Science, Culture and Consciousness: The Quest for New Epistemology.Kishore Gandhi - 1990 - In Kishor Gandhi (ed.), The Odyssey of science, culture, and consciousness. New Delhi: Abhinav Publications. pp. 21.
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    A Blind Medical Image Watermarking for Secure E-Healthcare Application Using Crypto-Watermarking System.Polurie Venkata Vijay Kishore & Puvvadi Aparna - 2019 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 29 (1):1558-1575.
    A reliable medical image management must provide proper security for patient information. Protecting the medical information of the patients is a major concern in all hospitals. Digital watermarking is a procedure prevalently used to secure the confidentiality of medical information and maintain them, which upgrades patient health awareness. To protect the medical information, the robust and lossless patient medical information sharing system using crypto-watermarking method is proposed. The proposed system consists of two phases: (i) embedding and (ii) extraction. In this (...)
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  16. F33. Genetics and Biomedical Technology: The Emerging Milieu and the Indian Context.R. R. Kishore - forthcoming - Bioethics in Asia: The Proceedings of the Unesco Asian Bioethics Conference (Abc'97) and the Who-Assisted Satellite Symposium on Medical Genetics Services, 3-8 Nov, 1997 in Kobe/Fukui, Japan, 3rd Murs Japan International Symposium, 2nd Congress of the Asi.
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  17. Mānavavāda aura sāhitya.Nawal Kishore - 1972
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  18. Thathạnạ wịlathạni hkaw Wịnạyathtạ pạkathạni kyān.U. Uttamānanda - 1933
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    Yuktyānuśāsan̄alaṅkāra. Vidyānanda - 2020 - Naī Dillī: Bhāratīya Jñānapīṭha. Edited by Praṇamyasāgara & Vidyānanda.
    Commentary on Yuktyanuśāsana of Samantabhadrasvāmī, work on Jaina philosophy.
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    Unsupervised and supervised text similarity systems for automated identification of national implementing measures of European directives.Rohan Nanda, Giovanni Siragusa, Luigi Di Caro, Guido Boella, Lorenzo Grossio, Marco Gerbaudo & Francesco Costamagna - 2019 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 27 (2):199-225.
    The automated identification of national implementations of European directives by text similarity techniques has shown promising preliminary results. Previous works have proposed and utilized unsupervised lexical and semantic similarity techniques based on vector space models, latent semantic analysis and topic models. However, these techniques were evaluated on a small multilingual corpus of directives and NIMs. In this paper, we utilize word and paragraph embedding models learned by shallow neural networks from a multilingual legal corpus of European directives and national legislation (...)
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  21. Ācāryasārvabhaumabhagavacchrīrāmānandācāryayatīndrapraṇītaṃ Ṡārīrakamīmāṃsāyaḥ Śrīānandabhāṣyaṃ. Rāmānanda - 1966 - Edited by Vaishnavacharya & Bādarāyaṇa.
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    The Shared Presupposition Norm of Joking: A Philosophical Exploration.Kishor Vaidya - 2024 - The Philosophy of Humor Yearbook 5 (1):185-186.
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    Birth Control in the Shadow of Empire: The Trials of Annie Besant, 1877–1878.Mytheli Sreenivas - 2015 - Feminist Studies 41 (3):509.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 41, no. 3. © 2015 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 509 Mytheli Sreenivas Birth Control in the Shadow of Empire: The Trials of Annie Besant, 1877–1878 In March 1877, two London activists provoked a debate about poverty and overpopulation that reverberated across metropole and colony. These activists, Annie Besant and Charles Bradlaugh, republished a book by the American physician Charles Knowlton that outlined methods to prevent conception. (...)
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  24.  10
    Social philosophy of Sri Aurobindo and the new age.Kishor Gandhi - 1965 - Pondicherry,: Sri Aurobindo Society.
    This Is The Second Edition Of The Book. Seeks To Give An Exposition Of Aurobindo`S Social Philosophy And Of His Vision And Work For The Evolution Of Humanity. 5 Parts-Part I Has 8 Chapters-6 Chapters In Part Ii, Has 7 Chapters Part 4 Has 3 Chapters- Part 5 Has 6 Chapters, Bibliography. Slightly Shopsoiled.
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  25. Akṣapādīyakaṇādīyadarśanayoḥ Jātisvarūpavimarśaḥ.Pralay Kumar Nanda - 2008 - Puri, Orissa: Sambidhi Prakashan.
    On the fundamentals of Nyaya and Vaisesika philosophy.
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    The Right not to Have Rights: A New Perspective on Irregular Immigration.Nanda Oudejans - 2019 - Political Theory 47 (4):447-474.
    In recent years irregular immigration has attracted increasing scholarly attention. Current academic debate casts the irregular immigrant in the role of the new political subject who acts out a right to have rights and/or as the rightless victim who is subjected to violence and abuse. However, the conception of the irregular immigrant as harbinger of political change and/or victim reifies the persistent dichotomy between inclusion and exclusion. It ignores that irregular immigrants are not by definition excluded from a normal life (...)
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  27. Second language acquisition: Some evidence from L2 learners' slips of the tongue.Nanda Poulisse & A. Van Lieshout - 1997 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 30 (1-2):55-73.
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  28. Mahātmājīra gaṭhanakarma-paddhati. Purushottamānanda - 1965
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    Jīvap prammaikya Vētānta rahasyam.Paramahaṃsa Saccidānanda - 1993 - Cen̲n̲ai: Śrī Saccitān̲antar Kampen̲i.
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    Jaina rājanīti vijñāna: Ācārya Hemacandra ke vicāroṃ ke pariprekshya meṃ.Aśoka Sahajānanda (ed.) - 2015 - Dillī: Arihanta Iṇṭaraneśanala.
    On political philosophy of Hemacandra, 1088-1172, Jaina philosopher.
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  31.  44
    Biomedical research and mining of the poor: The need for their exclusion.R. R. Kishore - 2006 - Science and Engineering Ethics 12 (1):175-183.
    Almost all ethical guidelines and legislative policies concerning biomedical research involving human subjects contain provisions about relevance of research for the participating populations, informed consent, adequate care for research induced injuries and several other safeguards but the poor continue to suffer. Globalization has further aggravated poor people’s vulnerability by exposing them to international markets. Since the developing countries are abode of higher population of the poor they have become the unholy mines of this human ore for researchers. In this paper (...)
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  32. Samkhya Philosophy, Deep Ecology, and Sustainable Development (17th edition).Nanda Gopal Biswas & Gyan Prakash - 2022 - Filozofia Sankhja, Głęboka Ekologia I Zrównoważony Rozwój 17 (1):288-292.
    Samkhya philosophy is one of the oldest philosophies in the Indian philosophical system. This philosophy is independent in origin and mainly known for its evolution theory. Samkhya philosophy has accepted the two ultimate and independent realities, Nature and pure Consciousness. This paper is an attempt to comprehend the notion of deep ecology from the Samkhya’s evolution theory perspective. In this paper, firstly, we have elucidated the Samkhya philosophy of suffering and the solution to the problem. In the second part of (...)
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  33.  31
    Logic and epistemology in Theravāda =.Hâgoḍa Khemānanda - 1993 - Ratmalana: Dharma Paryeshanalaya.
  34. 40. Utilization of Press Mud for Seepage Control in Small Fish Ponds.Ravi Kishore - 1992 - In B. C. Chattopadhyay (ed.), Science and technology for rural development. New Delhi: S. Chand & Co.. pp. 301.
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    Identidad, ideología e iconografía republicana en el Perú.Nanda Leonardini - 2009 - Arbor 185 (740):1259-1270.
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    What is asylum? More than protection, less than citizenship.Nanda Oudejans - 2020 - Constellations 27 (3):524-539.
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  37.  17
    Forging new communities: Gendered childhood through the lens of caste.Deepa Sreenivas - 2010 - Feminist Theory 11 (3):267-281.
    This article focuses on the narratives of two dalit women which offer new, enabling imaginings of community that open up radical possibilities for rethinking questions of childhood and gender. These texts turn a critical gaze on an upper caste feminist practice and the discourses of childhood, schooling and emancipation that are tied to it. Childhood has been hegemonically represented as a state of innocence and vulnerability and is marked off from the world of adult anxieties and responsibilities. Such representations are (...)
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  38. Āpta-parīkṣā: Svopajñāptaparīkṣalaṅkr̥ti-ṭīkāyutā. Vidyānanda - 1992 - [Rājasthāna]: Bhāratavarṣīya Anekānta Vidvat Pariṣad. Edited by Darabārīlāla Koṭhiyā.
    Critical edition, with autocommentary and Hindi translation of a verse work on Jaina logic.
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  39. A Possibility of the Argument from Analogy to Existence of Other Minds in Sāṁkhya Philosophy.Nanda Gopal Biswas - 2018 - International Journal of Innovative Studies in Sociology and Humanities 3 (7):12-18.
    Sāṁkhya philosophy is the oldest philosophical school. Sāṁkhya philosophy explains the universe accepting only two fundamental categories which are prakṛṭi and puruṣa- where prakṛṭi is unconsciously active and puruṣa is consciously inactive. Similarly, Sāṁkhya philosophy discusses the mind-body relation in terms of puruṣa and prakṛṭi. Sāṁkhya also talks about the subjective identity as well as objective world. Although Sāṁkhya discusses about manyness of selves (bahu-puruṣa), but there is an argument that Sāmkhya philosophy would not establish the existence of other minds. (...)
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  40. The Sāṁkhya Term Puruṣa (self): An Analytical Assessment.Nanda Gopal Biswas - 2018 - Research Review International Journal of Multidisciplinary 3 (8):78-81.
    In the Sāṁkhya, Puruṣa (self) is free, inactive and it is the nature of consciousness (cetanā). It is beyond time and space, and it has both merit and demerit, attachment and detachment. It is real form which is not bounded. All actions, pleasure and suffering, change and feeling, etc. are the distortions of the body. Puruṣa (self) is beyond the bodily and mental suffering (dukhaḥ). Puruṣa (self) is neither the cause nor the effect. Puruṣa (self) is not material, and it (...)
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  41.  50
    Virtually Being Einstein Results in an Improvement in Cognitive Task Performance and a Decrease in Age Bias.Domna Banakou, Sameer Kishore & Mel Slater - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  42. Vivekananda and his work.Swami Abhedānanda - 1950 - Calcutta: Ramakrishna Vedanta Math.
  43. Continuing Issues in the Limitations of Pesticide Use in Developing Countries.Kishor Atreya, Bishal K. Sitaula, Fred H. Johnsen & Roshan M. Bajracharya - 2011 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 24 (1):49-62.
    The rationale for pesticide use in agriculture is that costs associated with pesticide pollution are to be justified by its benefits, but this is not so obvious. Valuing the benefits by simple economic analysis has increased pesticide use in agriculture and consequently produced pesticide-induced “public ills.” This paper attempts to explore the research gaps of the economic and social consequences of pesticide use in developing countries, particularly with an example of Nepal. We argue that although the negative sides of agricultural (...)
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  44. Contemporary relevance of Sri Aurobindo.Kishor Gandhi - 1973 - Delhi,: Vivek Pub. House.
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  45.  7
    Literature and the evolution of consciousness.Kishor Gandhi (ed.) - 1984 - Bombay: Allied.
  46.  2
    Postmodernism and religious fundamentalism: a scientific rebuttal to Hindu science: an essay, a review and an interview.Meera Nanda - 2003 - Pondicherry: Navayana.
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    Can Market Economy Promote the Common Good?Kishor Thanawala - 2003 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 13 (1):59-77.
  48.  35
    Globalization and Economic Justice.Kishor Thanawala - 2005 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 2 (1):53-84.
  49. Aṣṭasahasrī. Vidyānanda - 1997 - Śrīmahāvīraji, Rāja.: Jainavidyā Saṃsthāna. Edited by Darabārīlāla Koṭhiyā & Sandīpa Jaina Sarala.
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  50. (1 other version)Raja-yoga. Vivekânanda - 1937 - Frameries, Belgique,: Union des imprimeries (s.a.) Dépositaires généraux: Paris, A. Maisonneuve; [etc., etc.]. Edited by Patañjali & Jean Herbert.
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